The city planning of the future faces many challenges - building, creating living space, modernizing infrastructure, enabling transport.
A wide variety of actors are involved at the same time in order to overcome these problems. Only intensive exchange between the public sector, construction companies, owners, tenants and landlords, transport planners, entrepreneurs and service providers makes this possible.
The Urban Tech Hub takes up this challenge and wants to enable exchange. In which fields is what is most urgently needed and which actors are involved? Where is technology and innovation revolutionizing thinking? And what experiences have Tel Aviv, Frankfurt and other cities had to solve the problems?
We bring a specialist audience to one table. Together we distill the hot issues, discuss the problems and ideas. At the end there is a work list for which we are looking for solutions. Regular pitches, challenge rounds and business delegations to Israel enable knowledge exchange and transfer.
The Urban Tech Hub appeals to all insiders: companies and investors, city departments and state ministries, startups and research institutions. Together we are rethinking the modern city.
The creators of the hub
Christian Kusulis is a partner at the Graf von Westphalen law firm in Frankfurt, where he is responsible, among other things, for the firm's Israel desk. Since 2014 he has headed the Rhine-Main office of the German-Israeli Business Association.